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Matcha Medical Property

Характеристика Матча

Matcha is a brand new green tea product. It has many new functional features that conventional green tea does not have. It brings a new way and experience of drinking tea, and its nutritional value is far superior to that of conventional green tea products. Here is helping you to better understand from its main function, ingredients, nutritional facts, and chemical composition etc aspects what the matcha is such special.

Применение Матча

Применение Матча

Matcha is a very unique tea drink that can be used in many ways, not only used in drink, food, but also used in cosmetics. It all benefits from its own rich nutrients.

Matcha Green Tea Ceremony Brewed Tea

Dayang Matcha Введение

Dayang matcha is originated from the birthplace of authentic japanese matcha and China organic tea. It relies on the regional environment of Tianmu Mountain and Qingliang Peak National Nature Reserve, with a good ecological environment and rich natural resources. Dayang matcha is also certified by BCS and owns USDA, EC, JAS etc organic certificates.

Введение в китайский чай

Введение в китайский чай

Since ancient times, there are a number of different methods of classifying tea. Tea can be classified by tea processing technology, origin, season, level, shape, or sales. In morden China, according to the different degree of fermentation of tea and tea processing, tea was divided into non-fermented tea, semi-fermented tea, and fully-fermented tea, and divided tea into six basic teas and re-processing tea, namely: green tea, black tea, Oolong tea, yellow tea, white tea and dark tea and re-processing tea, that is, scented tea and so on.


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