YiBei Organic Tea Online

Organic JiuQu HongMei Black Tea SS Grade

Organic JiuQu HongMei Black Tea SS Grade

Organic JiuQu HongMei Black Tea SS Grade

Pure Leaf Unsweetened Black Orange Pekoe Tea Price for Health and Blood Pressure
Black Tea Barre Mark-Head

Produs Information

Organic JiuQu HongMei Black Tea SS Grade Dried Tea Leaf

ProdName: Jiu Qu Hong Mei

Grade: SS Level

Shelf Life: 3 Years

Origin: Linan, Hangzhou

Manufacturer: Dayang Tea

Net Weight: N/M

Storage: Store in a cool, ventilated place

1. Organic Black Tea, Spring Tea, Grade SS. 

2. One buds one leaf or two leaves.

3. Dry tea curly and wiry, tight and tender, pekoe and buds much.

4. Aroma mellow and brisk, heavy and sweet.

5. Appearance dark and bloom with golden buds tea.

6. Jiu Qu Hong Mei black tea making process, light fermentation.

Organic JiuQu HongMei Black Tea SS Grade Dried Tea Leaf
Organic Black Tea - QMHC- 3J - Liquid-05

1. Liquid clean and bright, red and billiant, cream down after cool. Golden edge show.

2. Aroma fresh and sweet, strong tender clear.

3. Taste sweet and mellow, smooth.

DaYang Black Tea

Professional Brand

Jiuqu Hongmei originated from Jiuqu in Wuyi Mountain. Farmers from northern Fujian and southern Zhejiang moved to the north. They settled in Shiliqiao and cultivated grain and tea to make Jiuqu Hongmei. The harvest of Jiuqu Hongmei is one bud and two leaves as standard and it will go through as dehydration, fermentation and baking etc procedures. The key of making Jiuqu Hongmei is in the phase of fermentation and baking.

Hangzhou Jiu Qu Hong Mei

The color is red and the fragrance is like red plum, It is called Jiuqu red plum, which has a refreshing taste and warms the stomach

Jiuqu Hongmei tea is as material as sprouted leaves which tea tree is suitable for this product, and is refined through typical processes such as withering, rolling(cutting), fermentation, and drying. Because the color of dry tea and brewed tea soup are mainly red in color, it is called “black tea” when the black tea was first created.

During the making processing of black tea, a chemical reaction centered on the enzymatic oxidation of tea polyphenols takes place. The chemical composition in the fresh leaves changes greatly, and the tea polyphenols are reduced by more than 90% and generates new ingredients as theaflavin and thearubigins. Aroma substances increased from more than 50 in fresh leaves to more than 300. A part of the caffeine, catechins and theaflavins complexed into a delicious complex, thereby forming red tea appearance, red soup, red leaves and fragrant, sweet, tasted mellow etc quality characteristics.

Note: Complex: refers to the special term for making black tea or decomposing and testing the aroma substances that form black tea. It is broader than the general meaning of the word “synthesis”. Complex Compound: This refers to the abundant soluble substances that generate black tea flavors as “thick (fullbody), strong (astringent), and fresh (brisk)”, mainly including amino acid (especially theanine), catechins, theaflavin, caffeine, pectin, phenolic substances, oxides and other aromatic substances. Due to the complexation of these substances, the fresh, aromatic, mellow and sweet etc quality characteristics of black tea are formed.

Black Tea with Small Tin

Sănătate și Siguranță

Ce ceai este sănătos și sigur pentru ca oamenii să bea fără griji?

The Pyramid of Food Quality Hierarchy

IFS Internatinal Food

A trecut 465 de articole de inspecție a reglementărilor UE, 376 de articole de inspecție a produselor ecologice în conformitate cu standardele internaționale CE și USDA.

Alimente organice

Interziceți utilizarea transgenelor, a iradierii, a îngrășămintelor chimice, a pesticidelor sintetice, a erbicidelor și a altor aditivi.

Alimente Geen

Limitarea strictă a utilizării îngrășămintelor chimice, a pesticidelor sintetice, a erbicidelor și a altor aditivi.

Alimente generale

Permiteți utilizarea ferticidelor de îngrășăminte chimice, pesticide sintetice, erbicide și alți aditivi.

Alimente fără poluare

Limitați utilizarea îngrășămintelor chimice, a pesticidelor sintetice, a erbicidelor și a altor aditivi.

Pentru a judeca un aliment sănătos este rezultatul testului de reziduuri de pesticide, chiar dacă este vorba de alimente organice, rezultatul testului este, de asemenea, pozitiv. Fiecare țară are un regulament pentru propria lor considerație, noi am urmat cel mai strict standard al Uniunii Europene din lume și chiar și cel internațional ORGANIC. Am efectuat testul de către autoritatea internațională EUROFINS .

Test Report by Eurofins

Certificatele noastre ecologice sunt realizate de BCS instituție internațională. Ne încadrăm în standardele triple ale UE, USDA și JAS și deținem toate aceste trei certificate ecologice. Dacă este necesar, putem emite certificate ecologice TC pentru comerțul ecologic al clienților.

Organic CERTS BCS for Commerce

Fresh Sprouts Traditional Craft

Combining traditional and modern black tea craft, possess the elegance of green tea with the sweet and mellow of black tea

Tea art feelings UnwillingnessBlack Tea Stamp

There is a mood that can be sculpted by time, there is a beauty that arises from immanence, there is an art that can touch life, and feel the tea art which is an unswerving pursuit of life.

[ Centennial Craft ]
Inherit and develop the traditional tea making technology, innovate and pursue perfection.

1. Picking Up

Adhere to the manual tea picking, can not hurt the tea tree, to ensure that the tea leaves are not damaged.

2. Withering

Spread the fresh leaves evenly on the bamboo siever, let the air circulate, cool and dry the tea.

3. Rolling

Tighten the tea leaf, reduce the volume, lay a good foundation for frying and drying into strips, properly destroy the leaf tissue, and change its inner material.

4. Fermentation

A necessary procedure for black tea to ferment the tea leaves until the green leaves appear reddish brown, increasing the fragrance of the tea leaves.

5. Drying

Passivate the activity of the enzyme and stop the fermentation; eaporate the water, reduce the volume, fix the shape and maintain the dryness to prevent mildewing.

6. Sieving

Remove old and deformed tea, stems, pieces, and debris.

Black Tea Barre Mark-Tasting Suggestion

Tea Tasting Suggestion

Water Temperature Control

The suitable water temperature is conducive to the infusion out of the scent, taste and inclusion of jiuqu hongmei tea. The Jiuqu Hongmei tea made from the buds of tea leaves needs to be brewed after being cooled to 80-90 degrees Celsius in boiling water. The first infusion is to wash tea quickly out of the cup to smell the fragrance. The infusion time from first to tenth is as 15 seconds, 25 seconds, 35 seconds, 45 seconds, 1 minute, 1 minute 10 seconds, 1 minute 20 seconds, 1 minute 30 seconds, 2 minutes, 2 minutes 30 seconds.

Teaware selection 

It is recommended to choose a Kung Fu white porcelain tea cup group or a transparent glass cup, so that you can enjoy the fresh and elegant tea fragrance when brewing Jiuqu Hongmei tea, and appreciate the beautiful scene and glittering and translucent of Jiuqu Hongmei tea bud tips in the water Tea soup.

Tea Amount control

It is recommended to add 3 grams of Jiuqu Hongmei dried tea to infuse more than 12 times.

Infusion skill 

It is recommended to choose a Kung Fu white porcelain tea cup group or a transparent glass cup, so that you can enjoy the fresh and elegant tea fragrance when brewing Jiuqu Hongmei tea, and appreciate the beautiful scene and glittering and translucent of Jiuqu Hongmei tea bud tips in the water Tea soup.

Tea Storage Suggestion


Tea is most easily tainted to other odors and must be isolated from other odors.


Tea is most vulnerable to heat oxidation, it must be stored in a cool and ventilated place, cool is appropriate, better refrigeration.


Tea is most susceptible to damp and must be stored in a dry place.

Black Tea Best Choice for Health