Produs Information

- Organic Oolong Tea Fannings, Yan Tea.
- 12-60Meshes, fit for teabags and extraction.
- Oolong baking making process, heavy baking.
- MOQ: 1ton or half container with teabag.
1. Support Wholesale and Large volumes
2. Support OEM/ODM for the tea
3. More customization detail, refer to <Servicii>.

What the tea fannings work for drink?
1. Teabag
Good raw material for teabag inclusion. Suitable size and specification to evenly be filled into teabag chambers.
2. Extraction
Good raw material for extraction like tea polyphenols, catchin,aroma acid, coffeines, flavonoids etc. It is a main source of tea beverages.
3. Blends
Blend with other herbs or medicine plants to form a functional products as detox, weight loss, health care etc

Health Siguranță
Ce ceai este sănătos și sigur pentru ca oamenii să bea fără griji?

IFS Internatinal Food
A trecut 465 de articole de inspecție a reglementărilor UE, 376 de articole de inspecție a produselor ecologice în conformitate cu standardele internaționale CE și USDA.
Alimente organice
Interziceți utilizarea transgenelor, a iradierii, a îngrășămintelor chimice, a pesticidelor sintetice, a erbicidelor și a altor aditivi.
Alimente Geen
Limitarea strictă a utilizării îngrășămintelor chimice, a pesticidelor sintetice, a erbicidelor și a altor aditivi.
Alimente generale
Permiteți utilizarea ferticidelor de îngrășăminte chimice, pesticide sintetice, erbicide și alți aditivi.
Alimente fără poluare
Limitați utilizarea îngrășămintelor chimice, a pesticidelor sintetice, a erbicidelor și a altor aditivi.
Pentru a judeca un aliment sănătos este rezultatul testului de reziduuri de pesticide, chiar dacă este vorba de alimente organice, rezultatul testului este, de asemenea, pozitiv. Fiecare țară are un regulament pentru propria lor considerație, noi am urmat cel mai strict standard al Uniunii Europene din lume și chiar și cel internațional ORGANIC. Am efectuat testul de către autoritatea internațională EUROFINS .

Certificatele noastre ecologice sunt realizate de BCS instituție internațională. Ne încadrăm în standardele triple ale UE, USDA și JAS și deținem toate aceste trei certificate ecologice. Dacă este necesar, putem emite certificate ecologice TC pentru comerțul ecologic al clienților.

Traditional Tea Handcraft

01. A Gift from Natural
The production area of Ocean Organic Oolong Tea is still centered on the West Tianmu Mountain. Between spring and summer, there are clouds and fog all day long, warm in winter and cool in summer, large temperature difference between day and night, average annual temperature of 15.30C, short sunshine, abundant rainfall, sufficient soil moisture, fertile and loose, high content of organic matter.
02. Continue the traditional craftsmanship of the predecessors and carry forward the past
We are determined to make a good tea, make every kind of tea carefully, and make every pot of tea well. We have always adhered to our goal, which is also a dream.
03. Good tea comes from confidence and hard work

After experiencing various ups and downs, the tea-making process has been passed down from generation to generation. In the process of inheritance, continuous innovation and improvement have been carried out, and mechanization and standardized processes have been gradually realized to ensure the consistency of product quality.
The Making Process of Oolong Tea

Tea Infusion and Storage
Storage and Infusion Suggestion
90oC-1000C hot water brewing depends on the tenderness of the tea. Can not be brewed with overcooked boiling water, preferably mineral water.
Tea is most likely to be contaminated by other odors and must be separated from other heavy-tasting items, such as tobacco and alcohol.
Tea must be kept dry, avoid oxidation and odor, avoid light, airtight, low temperature, and maintain ventilation.
Serving a tea with a Good Way to bring you more pleasure.

1. Wash Tea Wares
Clean tea wares by hot water before brewing tea.

2. Put Tea
Take an appropriate amount of tea leaves into the tea set, and the ratio of tea to water is about 1:20.

3. Infuse Tea
When the boiling water first boils, lift the kettle and pour it into the tea set, so that the tea leaves are rotated and fragrant.

4. Scrape Tea Foam
Use the lid to gently scrape off the white foam floating on the tea leaves.

5. Pour Tea
The tea brewed for about 10s-15s is poured into the juxtaposed teacups in turn.

6. Distribute Tea
When pouring tea, it should be dripped evenly into each cup to make the flavor even.

7. Watch Tea Soup
Watch the color of the tea soup in the cup.

8. Taste Tea
Savor it carefully, first smell its fragrance and then taste and feel it carefully.