Chá Orgânico YiBei Online

Categoria: Chá&saúde


Matcha Medical Property

A Característica de Matcha

Matcha is a brand new green tea product. It has many new functional features that conventional green tea does not have. It brings a new way and experience of drinking tea, and its nutritional value is far superior to that of conventional green tea products. Here is helping you to better understand from its main function, ingredients, nutritional facts, and chemical composition etc aspects what the matcha is such special.

Efeitos benéficos do chá verde

Efeitos benéficos do chá verde

Tea in China is known as the “national drink”. Tea contains protein, fattiness, vitamins, and polyphenols, caffeine, LPS, saccharine and other components with pharmacological beneficial effects. Green tea is rich in theanine and catechin, it can delay aging and remove free radicals. Polyphenols and their oxidation products in green tea are able to absorb poison of radioactive materials, and thus to help prevent cardiovascular diseases. It can prevent and treat radiation injury. The caffeine in green tea can enhance the excitement process of cerebral cortex and plays a role of refreshing.
