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Organic Culinary Matcha Green Tea


Organic Culinary Matcha Green Tea, spring first harvest Tea, sencha tea leaves, 800-1200meshes of ground powder particule to make the tea easiler to solublize the water, and taste smoothly.

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SKU EFF-GREEN-Matcha-220717-C-01 Category Tags , ,

Matcha is a very unique Chinese Green Tea, a finely powdered tea used in the traditional Chinese Tea Ceremony.

The first amazing benefit of Matcha is its extremely high antioxidant level, for which all health-conscious people seek from foods such as raw fruits, and green vegies.

Secondly, unlike regular steeped green tea, matcha tea leaves are consumed whole mixed into liquid, or added in other ingredients as they are in very fine powder. Green tea leaves are exceptionally great source of not only antioxidants, but also other nutrients such as various vitamins, and minerals, however, over half of the nutrients contained in the tea leaves including Vitamin A, E, Chlorophyll, and Dietary Fiber are water insoluble. Drinking Matcha means you have full benefits of Green Tea by taking both water soluble and insoluble nutrients.

First harvesting, Spring Tea, One bud and two leaf, Machine Harvested, Steamed dehydration to make the tea more green. Natural Grassy Smell to bring a brisk taste. 800-1200meshes of ground powder particule to make the tea easiler to solublize the water, and taste smoothly. It is very suitable for consuming.

More information refer to Here.


Peso 100 g
Dimensioni 15 × 25 × 5 in