YiBei Organic Tea Online


Dayang matcha is originated from the birthplace of authentic japanese matcha and China organic tea. It relies on the regional environment of Tianmu Mountain and Qingliang Peak National Nature Reserve, with a good ecological environment and rich natural resources. Dayang matcha is also certified by BCS and owns USDA, EC, JAS etc organic certificates.

Since ancient times, there are a number of different methods of classifying tea. Tea can be classified by tea processing technology, origin, season, level, shape, or sales. In morden China, according to the different degree of fermentation of tea and tea processing, tea was divided into non-fermented tea, semi-fermented tea, and fully-fermented tea, and divided tea into six basic teas and re-processing tea, namely: green tea, black tea, Oolong tea, yellow tea, white tea and dark tea and re-processing tea, that is, scented tea and so on.

Generally Matcha is considered to be the finest of the green tea powder. Vivid green color and strong fragrance bring a pleasant enjoyment of a great cup of tea. Different tea quality and infusion way will bring a different experience. There is a unique tea ceremony different with other tea infusion to tell how to bring you a cup of exiquiste matcha drink.

Tea in China is known as the “national drink”. Tea contains protein, fattiness, vitamins, and polyphenols, caffeine, LPS, saccharine and other components with pharmacological beneficial effects. Green tea is rich in theanine and catechin, it can delay aging and remove free radicals. Polyphenols and their oxidation products in green tea are able to absorb poison of radioactive materials, and thus to help prevent cardiovascular diseases. It can prevent and treat radiation injury. The caffeine in green tea can enhance the excitement process of cerebral cortex and plays a role of refreshing.

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